Report Eagle Sightings

Both the Golden and White-tailed eagle rarely visit Wales, but this does not go to say that it does not happen. Young Golden and White-tailed Eagles have a long sexual maturity, reaching breeding age at the age of 4 to 5. During the first 2 to 3 years young eagles are extremely nomadic, they can fly miles over the course of a day. The nomadic behavior of such eagles has resulted in a handful of sightings of young eagles across Wales since thier extinction, 150 yeas ago.

Even though Golden and White-tailed Eagle sightings are few and far between in Wales, they are getting more frequent due to population growth and current environmental pressures in their current UK ranges. The best time to keep an Eagle Eye out for young Eagles in Wales is between November and March, Our last eagle observation for Wales was the 15th December 2018, spotted exploiting the coastlines of Colwyn Bay, Clwyd, North Wales. If you think you have observed an eagle in Wales, please do not hesitate to email us.


Report your sightings

Report your sightings by using the submissions form. Please, record the species you observed, the date of the observation and the location as accurately as possible.

To report accurate locations, you can use the UK Grid Reference Finder:

We will except location data in the following formats:

  1. Grid reference (10 figure); e.g. SO 01300 01354

  2. X (easting)/ Y (northing); e.g. 301300, 201354

  3. Latitude / Longitude; e.g. 51.702222, -3.429657

AS an alternative, or if you have a list of sightings you want to report, please email us at:

* Your personal details will not be shared. We use this information for analysis of the survey efforts in each county.